How can I determine which level my niche is on?

To work out which level each niche is at, think about how many subcategories can come from the initial niche.

For example pet supplies would be a level 1 niche since there can be various subcategories underneath.

Levels of niches:

Level 1 Niche = most broad e.g. PetsAtHome. All Pet Supplies.
Level 2 Niche = subsection of broader category. E.g all pet homes.
Level 3 Niche = most specific niche. E.g. Dog Kennels

Another example is:

Level 1 = all home furniture
Level 2 = bedroom furniture
Level 3 = storage beds only

To determine whether your level of niche is broad enough, validate that other direct competitors are selling enough of the specific products that you are looking at.

If level 3 is too specific, then you can niche up to expand to a broader product range. 

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